Basketball tournament
27/01/2023 ZŠ Na Šutce:
"Šli jsme na zápas v basketballu."
"Bylo to dobrý👌😁."
"První zàpas jsme prohráli 16:0 , druhý jsme prohráli 8:0 a teď čekáme na další zápas a potom jdeme na pizzu!"
"Byla to zábava. Doufáme, že vyhrajeme aspoň jeden zápas."
Those are some comments that the Glowackého players wrote. The atmosphere was very good. Healthy environment in the school and between the different teams.
It doesn't really matter that we didn't win. I am glad they experienced a basketball tournament with kids from their age. We will train to get better a result next time, but our behavior and values were fantastic.
Pd. We (of course) didn't go to pizza 🍕
Mgr. Pablo Antón Vergara