"Vybíjená" tournament
The dodgeball tournament played on Wednesday 8.3.2023 was a nice and different experience for some of the girls in the 6th class from our school.
We moved from early morning to the bubble where it took part. The girls started a little nervous. They had a very good team, but they did not know at the beginning. They lost 3 matches for only one or two points difference. They also won one match.
They did very well all the time, showing very good behavior with each other, the referees, the organizers, and the opposite teams.
This is the best value we want them to learn. To compete being humble and respectful.
Also, they showed independence and maturity. The coach opted for letting them freer than how they would be at school. Taking care of them but giving them their space and options to organize themselves as a team. That was a success. They behaved as an amazing team, taking difficult decisions together and with the only advice from the coach to enjoy.
These are some sentences they wrote during the competition:
"So far we´re last but it´s fun"
"Ella team is a good"
"It is fun"
"Je to zábavné"
"Moc se tu bavíme"
"Je to zajímavé"
"Je to velmi těžké"
"Je to tu fajn"
"Je to dobrá hra"
"Je to tu super i když prohráváme"
They were smiling and happy even when they were not winning, giving their best, that is great.
Pablo Antón Vergara