Basketball tournament for 8/9 girls
Leaving from our school at 7.30AM, with some problems in the middle, we went by bus and walking to the school ZS na Sutce. The team was made by 5 basketball players and 1 coach. The environment was healthy and the girls tried their best.
They showed fair play and were very polite at all moments with their teammates and with the rivals. They are very nice people, with fantastic human values. At the end that is one of the most important things in life (in my opinion).
Here we can see what they wrote about the experince:
"Bylo to moc fajn. Naučily jsme se spoustu nových věcí a taktik."
"Bylo to super. Děkujeme všem týmům za skvělou hru a děkujeme škole Na Šutce za možnost si zahrát."
"Bylo to fajn. Nebyly jsme moc sehrané, ale každou hru jsme se zlepšovali."
"In My opinion it was really fine. I enjoyed spending time with my friends like this ^^"
"Na turnaj jsem šla až na poslední chvíli a musím říct, že mě to velmi bavilo. Bylo to super až na to, že jsme neměly střídání a musely jsme hrát vždy celých 10 minut."
Congratulations to the girls for the very good tournament.
Mgr. Pablo Antón Vergara